ASEAN-PAC E-Booklet “Knowing About ASEAN-PAC”

Anti-corruption has been illustrated in the ASEAN agenda in 2004 with its inclusion in the Political-Security Blueprint under the 2004 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This MoU was named back then as the South East Asia Parties Against Corruption or SEA-PAC. The SEA-PAC has gradually become a channel of cooperation among anti-corruption agencies in ASEAN in preventing and combating corruption. Gradually, the SEA-PAC has been evolving itself from previously known as the SEA-PAC to become more structured and strengthened as an Entity Associated with ASEAN under its current name of ASEAN Parties Against Corruption (ASEAN-PAC). Yet how well the ASEAN-PAC’s existence is known to the people within the region itself and outside the ASEAN region? And how many are aware of how ASEAN-PAC came about, what mandates and functions it holds and what is its relations with the ASEAN? This E-booklet is intended to give the quick facts regarding the existence of the ASEAN itself and then the ASEAN-PAC and its evolutionary process as an overarching anti-corruption body in the ASEAN. The E-Booklet "Knowing about ASEAN-PAC" was initiated during the ASEAN-PAC\ Cambodian Chairmanship in 2022 and launched at the Indonesian Chairmanship in 2024.